Employment in Coal Industry
Coal is considered the undefeated king of India as its significance in the energy sector is everlasting. Even during the pandemic caused by COVID-19, coal has managed to be in the top position due to its unchallenged prices along with its distinct uses. The Coal Industry of India is extremely wide and has a lot of opportunities for newcomers as well as the people who are already in the business.
The coal industry is one of the oldest in the country and is still emerging at a rapid pace. The coal sector has its significance in the present times as well as in the future years as the potential involved in it is huge.
As per the latest studies conducted in the country, coal is one of the most booming markets in India. It has been determined that the coal sector alone is running short on over 50 thousand trucks. It has also been stated that the coal industry is making provisions for fulfilling these gaps. Thus, it can be seen as a golden opportunity to have a head start in the coal transportation business by investing wisely with the help of experts.
How to engage your truck in Coal Industry?
There are several ways by which one can indulge in the transportation sector and fetch benefits by simply inserting the assets like carrier trucks. We are here to assist you by providing appropriate solutions and defining ways for getting into the mainstream business.
Coal Mines to Store Point
The first and foremost step of the coal sector functioning is the mining of the coal. The next step of the process involves the transfer of this coal from the mines to the storage facility. Here, the coal operators need different sorts of trucks for the successful movement of the coal. These store points can be under the direct administration of the sole company or can be operating under a third party.
The coal operators have a large number of responsibilities in their business and most of them find it convenient to outsource the transportation facility as they require a very versatile range of trucks like 10 tires, 12 tires, 18 tires, dumper tipper truck, etc. These heavy vehicles not only vary from each other based on their names but based on their utility. These differ from each other in their storage capacity, speed, etc. Therefore, the outsiders who have possessions of such kinds of trucks can make fortune in the coal sector during the upcoming months.
Storage Point to Factory/Plant
The next step in the process of this business is the movement of coals from the primary storage units to the factory where the coal would further be processed. The idea of these factories or plants is to purify the level of quality of these coals as they are in the raw form, i.e., directly from the mines. Therefore, they require a little precision work on them so that they prove out to be fit for use.
Here the movement of coal becomes a little sensitive and expert carriers are needed to transport these coals to the processing units. This phase of the movement is vital for the operators as well as for the transporters as the dimensions like accountability, care, etc. come into existence here.
These units can also be Steel Plants, Thermal Plants, etc. as they too require tons of coal on regular basis for the production of various goods. These plants also use the coal for further transforming the coal into energy. Thus, here a transporter plays a vital role in fulfilling the end requirements of the operators.
As we all know, the usage of coal in the railway sector is extensively wide as the basic railway operations are dependent on coal. Apart from the use of electricity and diesel to run the trains of Indian Railways, the sector is still dependent on coal energy. This is because the web of railway tracks of India covers all parts of the country. Thus, to reach the length & breadth of a huge country like India, Coal is the most promising source of energy in the longer run.
Averagely, a goods carrier train takes several days to reach its destination after covering long distances. Therefore, it is ideal to rely on coal energy for cost optimization. This provides wonderful opportunities for the truck operators/companies to get their hand in the coal industry. This is one of the most promising leads for your transportation business as there are will be no changes in the policies of the railway sector, at least for the distant future.
Brick Business
Again, the Brick Business is one of the most prominent and evergreen businesses of India. The sector of the construction and real estate has never seen a glimpse of inactivity. The truckers or the transport business operators can get into the business of transporting building material as the sector is always in the need of responsible transporters. The people who have a decent possession of public heavy carriers can get good leads while being in the construction sector. We are here to guide you to choose among the specially picked businesses that fit your preference. Choose construction material as your domain and move forward in your lineage.
Brick Business is a promising one in the present times as their demand is always left incomplete. The demand for high-quality bricks is high in the present times than ever. The scope of providing quality bricks is wider than it seems as the large percentage of truck operators are unaware of the future capabilities of this market. The brick and building material market is still considered one of the unexplored ones in India. Therefore, get into the brick business and make way for a better future ahead.
The hospitality sector in India has not reached a level where it should have been. There are still a huge number of famous places in India where there are not sufficient hotels to cater to the extensive population of India. The sector of tourism in India is still on its emerging path; therefore, it is the perfect time to get into the business.
Several hotels are being built in every district of India as the current scenarios make it possible for a newcomer to make a significant mark in the industry. As the COVID-19 pandemic is coming to an end, the hospitality/tourism/hotel sector can be among the blossoming ones in India. It is better to explore the possibilities of the hotel sector than to regret later. A large number of multinational companies are looking forward to investing in the tourism industry of India as they can foresee the potential of the business involving hotels.
How to contact for Business?
Many people have an idea about what can be done in the transportation business and where to invest their resources/assets so that decent revenue could be generated. However, the real problem lies when the business operator is unable to find the precise point of investment. Indeed, the first step is always the challenging one but once a person gets the whereabouts regarding that very first step, the journey ahead becomes a cakewalk. Here are two of the tried-and-tested through which you can make an entry in the field of your interest:
Participate in Government Tender
The Government of India (Central) as well as the State Government issue public notices where they ask the businesses/entities to join them via tenders. These public tenders are open for all businesses/people of different potential can join them.
These tenders offer a certain amount of budget for the operators and provide them with a fixed amount. The operator then has to spend within the limit of the budget while the remaining amount can be considered as a profit. These tenders are issued in the government websites of the relevant ministries as well as their notification is also given out by the means of media, like newspapers, etc.
These kinds of public tenders are among the most legal ways of getting into your business domain. Participate in these public tenders, some of which are also based on the auction system. By performing the auction session, the process becomes more transparent and clearer.
Contact with Tender Contractor/Broker
As we all know, the role of commission agent in India is vital and no business/department can run to its full potential without the involvement of these kinds of entities. A contractor is a person who has booked the public tender and is now seeking real parties like actual businesses to perform the task. These entities get a commission in the middle of a deal and provide the business with new opportunities. Thus, making secure contact with a tender contractor/broker can prove to be beneficial for the businesses.
The Indian market is full of capabilities and opportunities, but it takes a wise mindset to identify the most potential ones. We are here to provide our esteemed assistance to the businesses, especially the struggling ones to make their mark in a limited period. Connect with us to know about the various other innovative ideas where the businesses can put their efforts and stay ahead of the competition. Transportation and truck businesses are among the few domains where our advanced expertise lies. Join hands with our team of experts to get promising solutions for the transportation sector.